Protection team testing: we securely check how your team is prepared to resist attacks/threats on a VIP client.
Protection officer tests usually take 2-4 days and comprises all facets of team efficiency: physical state, operational skills, firing and first aid skills, mental strength, and legal sufficiency of countermeasures. Test-takers are put into various states (stress, everydayness), and then the appropriateness of decisions made and actions taken is assessed in typical situations
The tests conducted by 360 security service are unique due to the overall tactical testing trainees pass in a real world. This includes the following.
A team is tasked with escorting a VIP during one or several days. The trainees should operate as this were a real-life situation of securing a client.
It all takes place on real roads, in real vehicles, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, airports, and other sites typical for a client.
Within the test period, any things can happen: surveillance detection and interception, client kidnapping and assassination attempts, unclear threats, and so on.
The scenario is all different every time, depending on the city and country, equipment, and client’s potential risks.
The entire process is recorded. What is assessed is the overall readiness of the security team and each protection officer.
As a result of the protection team test, a report containing records of key training components is provided. Not only failures are noticed — the reasonable assessment considering strengths and weaknesses in bodyguards’ actions.
The report also includes psychological profiles of trainees, collected during under-stress operations, as well as the roadmap — specific recommendations on developing the team and team members.
It should be realized that security tests are not about critics.
Examination is a safe way to find out what requires more attention during training.